Janet Everitt-Forté

Janet was born and raised near Fort Worth, where she grew to love the wild environs of the Trinity River near her home.  Since moving to Newport, she has concentrated on painting the varied landscapes of north Texas, often painting on location, a form of painting called "en plein aire".

Janet prefers to paint in soft pastels, which she views as the most versatile of all art media.  She sees North Texas, with its wide variety of terrain and vegetation, as the perfect source of inspiration for pastel painting.

Janet's art work has been displayed in numerous solo exhibitions and group shows across the United States and Europe, and has won numerous awards in both national and international juried shows.  She is a member of the Outdoor Painters Society, the Pastel Society of the Southwest, and is a signature member of the Associated Creative Artists and the National Society of Artists.  

Janet is currently represented by Rain Bird Gallery in Blanco, Texas, The Gallery in Nocona, and The Art Gallery in Saint Jo, Texas. 

More information about Janet can be found on her website:  www.everitt-forte.com.

Email:  jfordeveritt@prodigy.netCopyright © 2010  Janet Everitt-Forté